Our expertise

Hot casting and solar

We are one of the few expert laboratories for shaping with the peculiarity that we master the technique of hot casting and the production of solar products.

Hot casting

Thanks to our more than 140 years of know-how in the production of milking fat, we are specialized in the technique of hot casting. A manufacturing process that only a few companies in France can use.

Up to 85 degrees with cooling tunnel.

Applications: Solid cosmetics, balm, waxes, candles, etc


Thanks to our more than 40 years of experience, we specialize in sunscreens (special range of cosmetic products).

We work with UV filters: mineral (zinc and titanium) and chemical/organic.

We produce oils and creams with SPF 0 to 50 , using external experts to ensure optimal quality.

The following are products created using these techniques: